Occupational Safety And Health Review Commission Launches New Electronic Filing System

Chair Cynthia L. Attwood today announces the launch of an “e-file” system for electronic filing and service of litigation documents before the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission, the independent Federal agency that decides disputes involving alleged violations of workplace safety rules. Modernizing the Agency’s procedures and bringing it into the 21st century has been a years-long process and Chair Attwood praised the much-anticipated development, which will greatly facilitate increased efficiency in case docketing and management both inside the Agency and for the parties who appear before it.

This innovation also directly supports the Review Commission’s strategic and annual performance plans, which are focused on engendering respect for the rule of law by assuring fair, just, and expeditious adjudication of disputes brought before the Commission and its judges; expanding transparency and openness by providing for stakeholder engagement and ensuring that the Review Commission keeps interested parties and the public it serves informed of the agency’s work at all levels; and providing responsible stewardship of Agency resources to enhance Agency operations and efficiencies in information management, financial management, human resources, and real property to accomplish the Agency’s statutory and regulatory mandates.

It is anticipated that the e-file system will be available beginning September 1, 2016. Any updates regarding start-up will be posted on the Commission’s website at www.oshrc.gov.

E-file assistance is available at: [email protected]