Review Commission Releases Sustainability Plan
CIn response to President Obama’s Executive Order on Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance, the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (Review Commission) releases its report and supporting documents regarding its Scope 3 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction targets. The order calls upon federal agencies to increase energy efficiency while measuring, reporting, and reducing their GHG emissions.
The Review Commission remains committed to the goals of reducing energy use and eliminating or reducing greenhouse gas emissions. With fiscal year 2008 as the baseline, the Review Commission has made accomplishments in several areas such as: increased percentage of employees who telecommute, upgraded cooling systems with high efficiency units, and doubled the number of employees opting for compressed work schedules. Additionally, employee computers were installed with automatic energy-saving and paper reduction settings and all offices are equipped with energy-saving motion activated light switches.
Although not reflected in the report, but consistent with Chairman Rogers’ Going Green initiatives, one of the Agency’s most popular projects is its sustainability garden. This employee-funded container garden has over 144 square feet of space which boasts a vast assortment of herbs, vegetables and flowers. This, along with other cost-cutting measures such as eliminating underused publications and migrating from print to electronic form for other publications, will allow the Review Commission to reduce its environmental footprint while helping the Federal Government become a leader in creating a clean energy economy.
A copy of the full report can be found under the About OSHRC tab from the Review Commission’s homepage.