Secretary of Labor v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
OSHRC Docket 09-1013
Briefs on Review:
Respondent’s Opening Brief
Exhibit A to Respondent’s Opening Brief (withheld under 5 USC 552(b)(4))
Exhibit B to Respondent’s Opening Brief
Exhibit C to Respondent’s Opening Brief
Exhibit D to Respondent’s Opening Brief
Exhibit E to Respondent’s Opening Brief
Brief for the Secretary of Labor
Respondent’s Reply Brief
Respondent’s Exhibit A to Respondent’s Reply Brief
Respondent’s Exhibit B to Respondent’s Reply Brief (withheld under 5 USC 552(b)(6))
Respondent’s Exhibit C to Respondent’s Reply Brief
Respondent’s Exhibit D to Respondent’s Reply Brief
Amicus Curiae Brief
Judge’s corrected decision of April 5, 2011 as transmitted to parties, with errata order attached.
Judge’s decision as transmitted to parties, subject to technical correction prior to docketing by the Executive Secretary. See Commission Rule 90(b), 29 C.F.R . § 2200.90(b).
Secretary’s Post-Trial Brief
Secretary’s Post-Trial Brief Appendix A
Secretary’s Post-Trial Brief Appendix B
Secretary’s Post-Trial Brief Appendix C
Respondent’s Post-Hearing Brief
Respondent’s Post-Hearing Statement of Facts and Proposed Findings of Fact
Exhibit 1 to Respondent’s Post-Hearing Brief